Explore The World!

The story of Virus Attack takes place in the Virazen Universe, a fantasy world shared by two other of my comic stories. It is in fact an alternate version of our world, but with a few of my original species added. The story of Virus Attack is seen through the eyes of microbes, so all characters are cells and SARS-CoV-2 itself. Humans are there too, but not actually seen, except for from the inside.

Here, you can learn about the human hosts, groups of cells and SARS-CoV-2 packs that appear in the comic. I created a lot, but most will appear in prequels and other related short stories, so only a few may appear in the original comic.

I make designs and species descriptions for a lot of microbes, but only microbes who are actually introduced in the story will be described here! A new species will be added once it has been introduced in the comic.

Very important to know is that many of these "facts" in the descriptions may be fictional, and thus only apply to the versions of microbes in Virus Attack!