SARS-CoV-2 Packs

Only two packs appear in Virus Attack, and only those two are being described here!
NOTE:I named the packs after their respective hosts. I did this because I personally think it's better than saying King [name's] pack, and because it doesn't has to be changed whenever the pack gets a new king. Though, virions never use these pack names because the packs are in fact nameless in the comic itself.

Murray Pack

Has not been founded yet!

Hannah Pack

Founded on March 25 2020, located in a human female named Hannah. Virions are the European-line of the original wild-type virus, Wuhan-Hu-1 (except for Prince Matthias and his dad, Prince Loki, who are both the original D614G mutant variant). King Lucius is their leader. Only two virions are alive, so this pack is almost extinct.

A relatively small and unsuccessful pack, and quite short lived too due to their host's strong and smart immune system.
This pack practiced the Noxsolisan religion, though they used rather violent punisments on both unruly and albino virions (which is in contradiction to the religion's usually peaceful nature). Albino's were killed even, because of their king's irrational believes that albino's are demons and bringers of bad luck.

The pack has had three Lead-Heirs; first was Prince Vesuvius, second was Prince Etna (Vesuvius's younger brother), and last one was a virion whose name never gets mentioned in the stories, because he has a tiny role and the genocide launced by cells happening shortly after him becoming a Lead-Heir.

This pack is briefly featured in Virus Attack, but plays the main role in Virus Attack's prequel, The Lonely Prince.