
Prince Matthias

Main Character

A young SARS-CoV-2 Prince-virion and the only D614G mutant at the moment. Prince Matthias is actually too young to be outside of the Nursery yet, but due to the genocide attack on his pack, and being the only virion left who's able to create a new pack one day, he had to leave. His goal is to become a powerful King and create a large pack, being a good father to his own future pups and to wipe out all of mankind.

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King Lucius

The tyrannic, elderly leader of the Hannah Pack. After his pack got wiped out by his host's immune cells, he decides to save young Prince Matthias (his grandson), so the latter will be able to infect a new host and create a pack of his own. This action is probably the only good one he ever did in his whole life!

Read more on ToyHouse.